Keeping us happy trackside
We traveled a few hours east this past weekend in our new to us, sort-of trusty, pretty leaky motorhome for our second voyage to the motocross track for rounds 3 and 4 of the Pacific Racing Organization's annual race series. I know I'm still a newbie at traveling with a baby and having an RV, but over the course of the two days we were gone, I realized a few things.
1. The more space you have, the more stuff you bring. Seriously. We were lucky enough to be camping by two of our friends, who were living it up in a tent all weekend. Sure, we had a bathroom (hallelujah), a fridge and a stove, but the space the motorhome provides also invites a lot of little "extras" that more trouble than they are worth. There's a part of me that misses waking up in a tent, dew on my face, fresh air circling my nose. There's another part that doesn't miss the midnight bathroom runs, digging for lunch-meat in a cooler full of ice melt, and having to try to fit the tent and the poles in that tiny tent bag at the end of the trip. I always forget about the poles.
2. Meal prepping is all about the baby now. My prep work was full of boiling macaroni noodles, hard boiling eggs, shredding chicken and keeping the whole milk cold. When we arrived on Friday night track side, Joey and I looked at each other realizing we had no dinner for the adults. At least we were digging lunch-meat from a fridge instead of a cooler for the "dinner sandwiches" - which Roscoe quickly ate when I put mine down anyway. The piece of this that I love the most is that our tent-camping friends brought the rose' for us to share after the babe went to bed. Cheers to good wine-loving friends who are obviously more skilled at packing.
3. Dry Shampoo. Yup, I brought it this time (last time I forgot) and things were a lot easier in the mornings. I've tried a lot of different ones in this new season of life called parenthood, and Batiste is my favorite.
4. Keeping the RV stocked is super important, because it's easy to forget things. We had showers on-site, but forgot towels. I brought my Swiffer mop, because I was determined to keep a clean "house" for the weekend. Nope, I forgot the Swiffer mop pads. Our lesson here is to keep a running list of things that need to return to the motorhome after being used.
RealHer Lipstick and Hubby's Sunnies.
5. Dirt. Sand. Dust. It gets everywhere. I just have to give in to the reality that we have a toddler who discovered that rocks from the ground fit nicely in her pockets, and that sitting wide-legged in the dirt is the best place she can be. My multi-tasking husband can be a bit of a tornado, one that swirls from dirtbike to motorhome and back to dirtbike, trekking track dirt through the motorhome on his way to grab a snack. Sure, there are tools and tricks to alleviate a lot of the mess, but at some point we all end up dirty, sandy and dusty. Roscoe, our dog, is amazing, but his fur is like Velcro to everything nature intended to stay outside. I have to give into that reality as well.
And a bonus that's all about me... this lipstick. On days living out of the motorhome, sometimes all I need is a nice red lipstick that actually moisturizes, and a pair of oversized sunglasses to hide the dark circles under my eyes. And you can bet I rocked both all weekend long.
The moral of the weekend and our latest adventure is this: No matter how you get to where you're going, you still arrive at your destination. The magic is what happens when you get there.
The memories we create now are building strong bonds for our family, and showing our little girl just how lucky she is because of the incredible community we have.
Roscoe's party trick