It's been a journey getting here. "Life at Lancaster Land" was created years ago but only existed in my head. I would hike to a beautiful place or end up an a grand adventure and think to myself, I should write about this. Now, I'm finally doing it. It took me awhile to get here because getting here was scary. But, you're here too now and so, welcome. 

I love "Life at Lancaster Land" because it gives me the opportunity to have a place to write, and hopefully inspire. I want to spark you to do something beautiful today.

To me, there is something magical about putting my fingers to a keyboard and feeling the transfer of my ideas and thoughts move to a screen, to have a part of myself become something bigger, to share a piece of myself with the universe. It's wildly rewarding and a whole lot of scary at the same time. It's cathartic and stressful and I really enjoy those two emotions together.

Life at Lancaster Land chronicles our journey of our "fixer upper" - knowing that "fixed up" isn't a destination we will ever arrive at fully. It's a place that I can practice my craft of sharing our story, and it's a vessel for our family to connect to others around the world, hopefully inspiring a different vantage point. 

You will find do-it-yourself successes and failures, a journal of adventures, and photographs of what we're doing to turn our house, our land, into a home. It really is our life. Thanks for being a reader, and an important part of our story. 

Follow me on Instagram, Facebook or send me a regular old email.

I'd love to partner with other writers, brands, and am available for sponsored posts.